Monday, January 19, 2009

Plan 4: Spec concert with Jonathan Coulton

I heard about this Jonathan Coulton character last year: this is a man who writes funny funny songs.  Go to the website and check him out!  If you're a nerd, listen to Code Monkey.  If you like American history, listen to the The Presidents.  See what what I mean?  Hilarious!  I wanted to buy six tickets or so (on spec) and then gather a bunch of folks and make a dinner+concert evening out of it.  When I got the tickets back in December for the date I wanted, there were only three left.  Bah! I snagged them though!  No way did I want to miss the concert just because I couldn't get all the tickets I wanted.

Planning the Plan
I checked with a couple friends who I thought would like the show, and it turned out that they all had tickets already -- for the same date that I picked!  With a week or so to go, I ended up with a handful of friends saying "yeah, that sounds like fun... I'll let you know."  I was resigned to the fact that I was going to end up selling one or both of my extra tickets at the door, but things all came together at the last minute after all.  Sean, Crissy, and I had a yummy Indian dinner before the concert.  Rob, Sunshine, and Eric met us at the theater.  And we all met people in line that we knew.  Coulton does draw out the nerdy folks that I like :-).  On several levels (like not getting all the tickets I wanted, and not getting commitments to go from friends until the last minute) this plan didn't go as well as I wanted.  But on several other levels (I didn't stress about any of it, I ended up having a nice dinner with great friends, my tickets ended up going to yet more friends, and yet even more friends joined us at the concert) this plan was a smash!


CKL said...

Awesome. Did you go on Saturday, when he flubbed "The Presidents," or Sunday, when science fiction author John Scalzi and Mythbuster Adam Savage attended?

D and I are going to see him in Portland this Saturday, with our friends Mike and Amy. Can't wait!

Corby said...

Oh, the poor poor Presidents!! We went Saturday and saw the spectacular meltdown: he was singing along, minding his own business, then played a few bars without singing while looking off in a corner of the theater as if there were some too-distant cue card that would help him. He played on a bit more, and then just started chuckling at himself. :-) The audience shouted out a useless cacophony of presidents, he thought a moment, spoke the verses out loud, restarted the whole song, then blew up at the same point in the song. He had Paul and Storm come out on stage for moral support for a few songs, and the rest of the concert was great. (Later in the show he made another attempt at Presidents and nearly nailed it (stumbling only once)).

We talked to him about it after the show, and he just rolled his eyes.

It was great to see that, but I would have loved to see Adam Savage!

[I just checked his blog link you included and was please that Jonathan used the phrase "spectacular meltdown" as well!]